
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

a new year, the old me

the changes i would like to make in 2012.

1. be more active. --since summer 2010, physical activity has steadily been on the rise in my life. that is until summer rolls around. this year i want to continue to be active year round. so far, i've been pretty dedicated to running (although i need to do more of it) and zumba. i need more of a variety. and definitely cuter workout clothes. i would love to train for a half marathon, and maybe this will be the year to do it.

2. become domesticated.--i've been on my own for about four years now, and am still surviving off chick-fil-a, raising canes, and when i'm feeling so fat, lean cuisines. that has to change now. i am a girl, and a girl should know her way around the kitchen. this is the year to learn.

3. be crafty-- i love pinterest, and there are so many great ideas that have links to tutorials. there is NO reason to not attempt to create something cool.

4. learn to french braid. this goes back to being domesticated. i want a little girl someday, and if i cannot french braid, then what kind of mother would i be?! (mom, if you're reading this, i'm totally kidding. but i wish you had been able to french braid. :))

there are several more things i would like to accomplish, but for right now these are the four important ones. i think they're simple and reasonable. and i know i can do it! i just have to allow myself to have the time and effort.

Sunday, November 20, 2011


wednesday night, i crashed the corolla into a ditch. it was so dark, the roads were wet, and the stop sign totally came out of nowhere!

i am thankful for several things: number one-- that christina answered her phone and came to my rescue right away; two-- the passersby who stopped to check that i was alright; three-- the comedic personalities of all of those who waited with me and the civilian who stopped to say to me, "i almost always do that!"

i am glad that no cars were coming when i ran through the stop sign and crashed into the ravine. i am equally glad that there were no pedestrians requesting the "right away" because i would've taken it. and it wouldn't have been good.

the next morning, the insurance company and enterprise were so awesome to me. i had no troubles and am now sporting a hot versa until the corolla is whipped back into shape. i cannot wait! i love that car, and just cannot let it die that easily. it is seriously a tank.

well, i'm going to jump back on the twilight bandwagon and continue reading eclipse! :)

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

i can continue to love

well, in my last post i discussed the possibility of having to break up with my long term (15 years) first love, taylor hanson. thank goodness that isn't going to have to happen. i love this man! i am so lucky to have him in my life and look forward to many more beautiful years with him. i wish that i was telling the truth about that-- i mean the part about him being my first true love is totally true, but as far as the future is concerned, i'll be watching him from the crowd and hopefully continuing to catch him after a show for a photograph.

the success i've been having at hanson shows lately is absolutely incredible. i cannot believe how lucky/blessed i've been, and i hope that my life isn't about to end because i could get used to this! :)

i love the crowd i seem to run with lately!

the musical ride ends for me this weekend, and i cannot wait for the next tour. thanks, hanson, for coming to the south so much this year! :)

Sunday, September 11, 2011

here we go around again

if you know me, you know i love hanson. i have since i was ten years old and first heard "mmmbop" on the radio. from that day forward, i spent my childhood (until about age 13) submerging myself in everything hanson. the walls in my bedroom were covered from floor to ceiling with hanson posters, pin-ups, and magazine articles. it was a shrine. i had enough hanson tshirts to wear to school for a week. my parents even checked me out of school when they were going to be on day time television. that was as close as i got to seeing them in real life (until i was 14, and my dad drove me to louisiana for what i thought was a free show, but really just a meet and greet).

in 2008, my hanson flame reignited and lindsay and i headed to nashville to see our long lost loves. that night sparked a change in our life and within four months, we had joined the fan club and were approved to attend the members' event in tulsa that may. we got to go on the walk with them, were spoken to by isaac, and the high light of the entire trip was getting to meet them and tell them that we loved their outfits.

lindsay and i are the attractive ones in yellow and blue on the front row. when you attend a show, you have so much to look and laugh at. unfortunately (for everyone but me), it is at someone else's expense. after this event, the next time we saw them was in new orleans. we met up at tulane university and walked barefoot for a mile in the sweltering, humid new orleans air in cardigans. i was disgusting, butttt i got to take a photo with old man hanson himself, isaac.

i also got to meet the entire band this night and be front and center. doing it without lindsay by my side was difficult, but i managed to press on and have a great time regardless.

there have been two more member's events and another show.

this past friday, lindsay and i attended the show at the delta fair in memphis. not only were we front and center, but we had to opportunity to take individual photos with two of the three. i am sure you know which two were absolutely precious about taking a photo with us--

"well, where's taylor?" you may ask. oh we got to meet taylor alright, but when we tried posing for a photo with him, we got the cold shoulder. he tried explaining that "we aren't taking any pics tonight. we've gotta get going, but i will sign something for you." taylor, let me let you know this: it is not 1997 anymore and autographs are not cool. i have an autograph already and all i've ever wanted since i was ten years old (besides marrying you and having your babies) was a photo of you and me. you have two more chances. if you pull a peter (hoping that is who it was) and deny me three times, i just might have to give up on you. until then, i will wait with a forgiving heart and open arms. and even if you never grant my request, i will still love you.

well, this post has been long enough! two more shows ahead of us-- new orleans and nashville! so excited to be on this musical ride! :)

Monday, July 25, 2011

summers gone.

well, it is july 25 and sadly, the days aren't getting any longer. next week i'll be back in business as ms mills, and i cannot say i am thrilled about it. i really enjoy sleeping late, showering when i feel like it, and my daily dates with dr travis at three o'clock.

the entire district is meeting together next week, and our teachers must wear our school tshirts. i am not happy about this for a few reasons: number one. it is black. i hate black tshirts. number two. it is the FIRST day back. i'm trying to wear an outfit that will turn heads and drop jaws. oh well... i guess it all isn't about me. i'll do what i am told and that is that!

this weekend is my last weekend of freedom (kind of), and i plan to do it big with my best friend, Lindsay! i'm going to drive to pontotoc where she works on thursday. from there, we're going to starkville to hear justin moore (ingram hill-- not cmt) play at rick's. sadly, he won't be accompanied by the other members of the band, but beggars can't be choosers. and justin is all i need! after a short slumber, lindsay and i will drive back to pontotoc so she can go to work, and i'll drive to oxford to sleep away the day at her apartment. we're planning to have a super fun weekend full of laughs, delicious meals, seeing crazy stupid love, shopping, music, and maybe a run or two! on sunday, i'll sadly drive back to flowood and enjoy my last two days of summer break.

this summer has been great. having a summer fling wasn't accomplished-- unless i can count dr travis, justin timberlake, and chris powell. losing weight wasn't accomplished-- unless i can count losing my tan. however, i took up a new hobby and that hobby is zumba! super fun. it is slowly improving my coordination and balance. i cannot wait to hit the clubs with my new moves! seriously.

well, this blog was lame. and i plan to get better and better!

love, meagan

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

things i hate

day after day, i am reminded of why i am probably single. i cannot get past the tiniest things that people do. but these tiny things are huge things for me. let me go over a few.

the differences in the following words: your/you're; to/too; there/their/they're; and here/hear

seriously. there are so many tricks you can teach yourself to remember. that is what i did. that is what i do in my classroom so that my students remember.

the misspelling of the word "hilarious"

hilarious. or maybe it's hAlarious. just because you use a word that you know ends with -ious does not make you smart if you cannot get the first part correct. now it does make sense for a word that means "funny" to start with "ha", but it doesn't.

loud breathers

like please stop. there is nothing i hate more than a loud breather. it makes me sick. i understand that we all have to breathe in order to live, but for Christ's sake, tone it down a bit before i remove a pillow from my purse and tone it down for you.

well, my rant for the day is over. i hope that i will soon become a better blogger. and a more dedicated one for sure!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

i am doing it for real this time

when i was a little girl i had a diary. when i was older, i had a journal. in high school, a slam book. i've always loved recording my agendas, thoughts, and events and sharing them with other people.

that is why i am going to create a new blog. xanga served its purpose for a while, but i need something better. bear with me as i continue to make my blog my home! i promise this will be interesting. :)